They Laughed When I Left Class 8 – But My Nairobi Salon Business Now Employs 50 Staff

When Hilda Kemunto dropped out of Class 8 over a decade ago, friends and neighbors in her small village whispered that she was throwing her future away.

Unable to afford secondary school fees, 14-year-old Hilda left academics and took up odd jobs to support her family. The work was backbreaking and pay dismal.

“Many people looked down on me for lacking proper education,” Hilda recalled.

Yet today, 10 years later, a very different story is unfolding.

Hilda is now the proud founder of a salon, a thriving chain of 5 hair and beauty shops across Nairobi employs over 50 staff.

She has risen from high school dropout to successful self-made entrepreneur. This is the story of how Hilda proved the naysayers wrong and overcame immense odds to build her beauty empire.

Humble Beginnings

After leaving school at 14, Hilda moved to live with extended family in Kawangware. Lacking qualifications, she washed clothes, sold vegetables at the market, and worked other informal jobs.

However, Hilda had always been fascinated by hair styling and make up application. She couldn’t afford beauty college, so she learned via YouTube tutorials and practice on willing friends.

Bit by bit, Hilda saved up enough capital from her odd jobs to rent a tiny space in Kawangware to open her first salon.

She named it and did all the hair styling herself along with reception duties.

Hilda remarks:

“Those first few years were tough. I worked 7 days a week sometimes up to 15 hours a day just to keep the business afloat.”

But through word of mouth, Kemunto’s Salon started gaining popularity in the neighborhood for quality service and Hilda’s vivacious personality.

Within 2 years, Hilda had earned enough to open a second branch in Umoja. Her empire was starting to take shape.

Expansion Through Marketing and Customer Service

To attract customers from farther afield, Hilda leveraged social media and various marketing strategies:

  • She ran competitions and discounts on Facebook to stimulate trials.
  • She optimized Google My Business listings for each salon branch.
  • She hired high school students to distribute flyers across neighborhoods.
  • She offered referral rewards to existing customers.

Hilda also became obsessed with over-delivering on customer service:

  • All staff underwent rigorous training and evaluations.
  • She sent SMS updates to notify clients when stylists were running late.
  • Handwritten thank you notes were included with finalized invoices.
  • Loyal customers got surprise birthday discounts.

Through savvy marketing and exceptional service, the number of salon branches swelled to 5 within 3 years. Hilda also launched an e-commerce hair extensions store.

Dominating Through Diversification

In addition to diversifying locations, Hilda expanded her initial service range:

  • From only hair styling to also manicures, pedicures, facials and massage.
  • She onboarded specialized stylists for natural hair, locs, braids and more.
  • Her salons hosted makeup and hair workshops.
  • She started selling branded hair products.

Catering to a wider array of beauty needs allowed Hilda to serve her clients more holistically while increasing revenue streams. Paired with consistent customer care, Kemunto’s brand loyalty swelled.

Impacting the Community

As Kemunto’s Salon grew, Hilda made sure to open employment opportunities specifically for others who lacked access to higher education like herself growing up.

Her salons now employ over 50 staff in roles like hair washers, assistants, front desk, and operations.

Hilda remarks:

“I make a point to hire young women from disadvantaged backgrounds. I can provide the training they need to earn steady incomes. Being able to uplift others is the greatest reward.”

Additionally, Hilda uses the brand’s visibility to advocate for issues impacting girls’ education access in Kenya. She speaks frequently at schools and women’s groups.

“I share my story to motivate girls to dream big regardless of circumstances. You can achieve anything with passion and grit.”

Key Takeaways from Hilda’s Journey

Hilda Kemunto’s against-all-odds rise from high school dropout to founder of a thriving salon chain offers inspiration and powerful lessons:

  • Start small and reinvest – She poured early profits into expansion.
  • Leverage social media – Hilda reached new demographics through digital marketing.
  • Obsess over customer service – Her focus on client satisfaction built loyalty.
  • Diversify services and products – Catering to wider needs enabled growth.
  • Don’t fear being underestimated – Use it as fuel to prove doubters wrong.
  • Give back when you can – Uplift others once you achieve success.

Despite the challenges of starting with minimal education, Hilda demonstrated self-belief and relentless drive.

Her story is a testament that circumstances do not dictate a person’s destiny. There are no limits to what can be achieved with passion and perseverance.

Quit My KSh 30K Office Job to Sell Samosas Online – Now I Earn 6 Figures Monthly

Meet *Philis Okongo, a 29-year-old entrepreneur from Kisumu who boldly quit her coveted corporate job to start an unlikely online business selling samosas.

In just 16 months, Philis has grown her home-based startup into a viral success earning over Ksh1 million monthly. She runs operations with just two assistants and has over 50k Instagram followers.

Philis’ story reveals how a simple food passion morphed into a hugely profitable digital brand.

Read on to learn how she pulled it off.

Stuck in a Well-Paying Job She Hated

After graduating from Kenyatta University, Philis landed a HR job at a top bank in Nairobi earning Ksh30,000 monthly.

On paper, everything indicated she was on the fast track to success.

But just two years into the job, Philis was utterly miserable. She found the work dreadfully dull and corporate culture stifling.

“I felt depressed going into the office each day just to sit through back-to-back meetings all day long. It sucked the life out of me.”

The money and stability were nice, but Philis knew she couldn’t sustain this unfulfilling work long-term. She yearned to do something courageous and entrepreneurial.

On weekends, Philis would escape to her mom’s kitchen in Kisumu and experiment with creative samosa recipes.

Cooking was her creative outlet.

Then one evening, a wild business idea popped into Philis’ head – what if she started selling her exotic samosas online?

The idea resonated and wouldn’t leave her mind over the next few weeks.

Could her weekend cooking hobby turn into a full-time business? Philis decided she had to try.

Quitting Without a Safety Net

At age 27, Philis walked into her boss’s office and quit her job without another one lined up.

Shocked friends and family questioned how she could abandon a well-paying corporate gig for such an uncertain idea.

But Philis felt fully aligned with her decision:

“I’ve never felt so inspired and ambitious. I didn’t want to stagnate in a comfy job. I believed in my vision.”

She moved back home and converted her mom’s kitchen into a commercial facility for her new online samosa shop.

With her last paycheck, she bought industrial kitchen equipment, packaging supplies, ingredients in bulk and registered her new business “*SamosaQueen” (fictional name for anonymity).

Validating Demand and Growth Hacking

Unsure if people would actually pay for gourmet samosas online, Philis started out small. She validated demand by:

  • Selling to friends & family
  • Posting photos of her samosas on Instagram and Facebook
  • Running paid ads targeting Nairobi foodies

Positive feedback poured in.

People loved her tantalizing fillings like beef chili, tangy crab, and sweet cinnamon apple.

Leveraging insights from her HR background, Philis growth hacked her business aggressively:

  • She optimized conversion funnels
  • She A/B tested copy and creatives
  • She retargeted visitors across social media

Within 4 months, SamosaQueen was doing over Ksh300k in monthly sales through the website and social channels.

Scaled Production + New Products = 7 Figure Business

To keep up with demand, Philis hired two assistants to make samosas full-time while she handled strategy and marketing.

She expanded her product lineup to include samosas with a variety of spicy, savory and sweet fillings. Menu innovation kept customers excited and improved profit margins.

Leveraging her corporate branding knowledge, Philis built an engaging social presence and vibrant brand persona around SamosaQueen.

Today the business does over Ksh1 million in sales monthly, with a 50/50 split between online and bulk orders from restaurants.

Philis Shares Her Top Tips

For aspiring online entrepreneurs, Philis emphasized these key strategies:

  • Start niche – Dominate a narrow niche before expanding (samosas)
  • Use social proof – Customer reviews and testimonials build trust
  • Engage followers – Converse 1-on-1 with your audience
  • Automate tasks – Streamline operations for efficiency
  • Reinvest in growth – Funnel revenue into paid ads, better equipment, etc.
  • Don’t fear failure – If you don’t try, you’ll never know what could have been

No Regrets, Only Lessons

Reflecting on her journey so far, Philis has no regrets:

“Quitting my job to pursue my passion was the best decision I ever made. Even on the hardest days, I’m living my dream.”

For young professionals or side hustlers in Kenya considering taking the entrepreneurial leap, Philis offers this advice:

“Screen out all the noise telling you it’s too risky. Have the courage to place a bet on yourself. Magic happens on the other side of comfort and convenience.”

At just 29, Philis is now looking ahead to growing into a Kenyan household brand, with hopes of employing hundreds and inspiring other young innovators.

As her success proves, you don’t need a fancy new idea or major capital outlay to build a thriving online business.

You just need to start.

Read also:

He Failed Form 4 Three Times. Then He Discovered Cryptocurrency and Retired His Parents

Meet Steve Kipkoech, a 28-year-old self-made millionaire from Eldoret. His story serves as inspiration for those who have faced failure but refuse to give up on their dreams.

Steve was an average student attending high school in Uasin Gishu County. He struggled academically throughout his education.

Despite studying hard and taking extra classes, Steve failed the Form 4 national exam not just once, but three years in a row.

At age 20, after his third failed attempt, Steve dropped out of school completely. He felt dejected and directionless.

But this series of failures lit a hidden fire within Steve – one that would drive him to achieve success beyond his wildest imagination just a few years later.

The Difficult Years After Failure

After dropping out, Steve took up casual labor jobs to support himself. He dug farms, worked construction sites, and performed other manual jobs to earn Ksh500-1,000 per day.

However, the work was inconsistent and barely allowed Steve to afford rent and meals in his small town. He struggled with deep self-doubt after years of poor grades and 3 failed exams.

“My own family told me I wouldn’t amount to anything because of how poorly I performed in high school. I started to believe that was true,” Steve confessed.

For 2 years, Steve fluctuated between low-paying odd jobs, unable to see a path forward. He knew he had potential, but couldn’t figure out how to unlock it after years of academic failure.

That’s when fate intervened to change the trajectory of Steve’s life forever.

Discovering His Calling in Cryptocurrency

One evening while drinking at a local pub, Steve struck up a conversation with a stranger named John.

John revealed he worked remotely for an overseas cryptocurrency trading company. When Steve asked what exactly cryptocurrency was, John explained the basics.

Steve was immediately fascinated by the idea of decentralized digital money and how early pioneers were earning fortunes trading Bitcoin and other coins.

That night, Steve decided to take a leap of faith. He asked John to teach him everything he knew about cryptocurrency.

For the next 3 months, Steve apprenticed under John – learning how to analyze the crypto market, execute trades, and secure digital assets in virtual wallets.

Without access to enough capital to day trade himself, Steve soaked up as much knowledge as possible with a plan to eventually put it into practice.

When John relocated abroad for a new job, Steve continued self-study watching YouTube tutorials and reading online guides. He felt compelled to become an expert in this new world of digital finance.

The First Taste of Success – A Crypto Windfall

After a year of intense learning, Steve was ready to put his skills to the test. He started off slowly, using small amounts of his limited savings to make low-risk crypto trades.

The practice paid off quicker than Steve imagined. After catching a solid altcoin run, Steve managed to turn an initial investment of just Ksh5,000 into over Ksh200,000 in profits within 4 months!

For the first time in his life, Steve had a chunk of capital to work with. He reinvested a portion back into more diversified crypto assets and used the remaining funds to support his parents back home.

This first big trade gave Steve the validation he needed that he had genuine ability as a crypto trader.

“When I withdrew that Ksh200k and sent some home to my family, I knew this was my calling. I needed to go all in on becoming a pro trader.”

Mastering the Markets and Making Millions

Motivated by his first success, Steve dedicated himself fully to cryptocurrency trading. He upgraded his equipment, refined his technical strategies, and networked with other traders worldwide.

Within 18 months, Steve grew his trading capital from Ksh200k to over Ksh15 million. He achieved consistent returns by exploiting arbitrage opportunities on exchanges and speculating promising projects early.

As profits compounded, Steve moved away from casual labor work to become a full-time crypto trader operating from home.

Today, Steve’s crypto portfolio is valued at over Ksh50 million. He trades a range of assets from Bitcoin and Ethereum to smaller cap coins and NFT collections.

By mastering risk management and the psychological aspects of trading, Steve was able to turn modest beginnings into life-changing wealth.

The Key Strategies Behind Steve’s Crypto Trading Success:

  • Continuous learning – Steve spends 5 hours a day improving his knowledge
  • Risk management – He uses tight stop losses and never risks more than 3% capital per trade
  • Arbitrage – Steve exploits price differences across exchanges for profits
  • Speculation – He researches projects deeply and invests early in promising cryptos
  • Networking – Steve builds connections with crypto peers worldwide for new opportunities

Giving Back: A New Mission

Now financially secure, Steve is focused on helping others avoid the pitfalls and challenges he faced growing up poor.

He recently purchased land for his grateful parents back in the village to retire on. To honor them, he named the estate “Pana Simba”, which means “There is a Lion” in Swahili.

Steve remarked:

“After failing school and being told I wouldn’t amount to anything, I feel like now the lion has been let out of its cage!”

Additionally, Steve set up a cryptocurrency educational program to provide free training to youth from low-income families in his community. He hopes to open doors for them in the world of crypto.

“I wasted so many years after high school feeling lost. I want to give back and make sure other kids have the right guidance to succeed,” Steve commented.

Key Lessons from Steve’s Journey

Steve Kipkoech’s incredible rags-to-riches story offers inspiration and powerful lessons for those facing long odds:

1. Persist despite failure – Steve could have accepted defeat after failing Form 4 three times. Yet he persisted and found his calling.

2. Invest in learning – Steve committed himself to rigorous crypto self-education before attempting to trade.

3. Start small – Steve proved himself with small trades before scaling up and compounding profits.

4. Ignore doubters – Despite being written off by peers, Steve bet on himself by pursuing his crypto vision.

5. Pay it forward – Now in a position of privilege, Steve gives back to uplift others.

Steve’s journey reveals that circumstances don’t define your destiny. With self-belief, perseverance and a willingness to learn, anyone can bounce back from failure to achieve remarkable success.

The next generation of crypto fortunes in Kenya may very well depend on determined individuals like Steve who refuse to surrender to early setbacks. Because in life, there are no limits – only the ones we set for ourselves.

Read also:

How This Stay-at-Home Mom in Mombasa Makes Ksh80,000 a Week Selling Homemade Jewelry Online

Meet Tabitha Muriuki, a 25-year-old stay-at-home mom from Mombasa. Between managing two kids under 5 years old, Tabitha leads a busy life like most young moms.

But unlike most, Tabitha managed to create a thriving side business making and selling homemade jewelry online. She now easily earns over Ksh80,000 ($800) in profits each week, all while still being a full-time mom.

Her unique handmade accessories stand out in the crowded online marketplace. And her inspirational journey proves that anyone can turn a hobby into an income stream using the power of the internet.

Here’s how this creative mom transformed her passion into a five-figure weekly income working from the comfort of her living room.

From Passion Project to Profitable Small Business in Kenya

From Passion Project to Profitable Small Business

Tabitha first discovered her talent for jewelry making after the birth of her first child. She wanted a creative hobby outside of motherhood.

She decided to try combining beautiful Ankara fabrics and cow horn she sourced from her hometown village to make exotic looking necklaces, bracelets and earrings.

Tabitha fell in love with the craft and enjoyed giving her creations as gifts to friends and family. Everyone kept telling her she should try selling her designs.

Despite no business experience, Tabitha decided to give it a shot. She set up a basic online store and began posting her jewelry on Facebook and Instagram.

To her surprise, she started getting inquiries and orders almost immediately. The vibrant colors and textures of her handmade accessories quickly attracted attention.

Within just 2 months, she was selling over Ksh50,000 worth of product each month just through social media marketing alone.

And the income kept scaling from there as Tabitha reinvested profits to grow her business.

How She Turned Her Hobby Into a Highly Profitable Business in Kenya

How She Turned Her Hobby Into a Highly Profitable Business in Kenya

Fast forward 3 years, and Tabitha’s part-time passion project has turned into an impressive 6-figure online business.

She makes and sells over 200 pieces of unique African inspired jewelry every single week to customers all around the world.

Here’s a step-by-step look at how Tabitha was able to scale up her online jewelry business so profitably:

Step 1 – Start With Social Media

Tabitha focused on organically growing her Instagram and Facebook presence in the early days. She invested time engaging with customers and posted new designs multiple times per week.

This allowed her to validate demand, make sales, and build an audience without paid ads or a website.

Step 2 – Set Up Her Online Store

Once she had traction on social media, Tabitha set up her own dedicated ecommerce site using Shopify. This enabled easier processing of orders and payments worldwide.

A professional looking site helped convey legitimacy and trust with customers who found her via social media.

Step 3 – Double Down on Pinterest

Looking to further accelerate sales, Tabitha began actively promoting her jewelry on Pinterest using relevant product boards like “Ankara Jewelry” and “Cow Horn Accessories”.

The highly visual nature of Pinterest was perfect for showcasing her designs. She drove huge amounts of traffic from Pinterest to her shop.

Step 4 – Automate Processes

Tabitha hired local women to help with packaging orders and shipping items worldwide. This freed up more of her own time for design and production.

She also leveraged apps like Oberlo to automate inventory management and order processing across multiple sales channels.

Step 5 – Start Paid Advertising

Once her website was performing well organically, Tabitha began investing in paid ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to aggressively acquire customers in overseas markets.

The costs were easily covered by her healthy profit margins on each piece of jewelry sold.

Quick Tips for Her Success

When asked what key strategies helped her scale so quickly and profitably, Tabitha emphasized a few critical factors:

  • Stay hyper-focused on a narrow niche (African jewelry)
  • Reinvest heavily to improve the perceived quality and presentation
  • Leverage social proof like reviews to establish trust and credibility
  • Use paid ads to aggressively acquire customers once profitable
  • Automate order fulfillment to save time on operations

By doubling down on these areas and continuously improving, Tabitha was able to stand out, rapidly grow sales, and run her business efficiently.

A Business Tailor-Made for Moms in Kenya

A Business Tailor-Made for Moms in Kenya

The jewelry business model Tabitha created is perfectly tailored for moms like herself looking to earn income from home. Here’s why it works so well:

  • Low startup costs – Can start almost immediately with existing materials
  • Flexible schedule – She works when she has pockets of free time
  • Creativity – Allows moms to leverage their talents into income
  • Mobile – Much of the business can be run from a phone
  • Scalable – Sales can be grown over time and scaled via the internet

Tabitha is now sharing everything she’s learned to empower more moms to start their own successful jewelry businesses from home through her online course “Jewelry Empire”.

Miles of Smiles: Her Inspiring Impact

More than anything, Tabitha cherishes the positive impact her business journey continues to have beyond just herself.

By hiring local village women to produce and ship orders, she’s providing stable employment opportunities to those in need.

She’s also inspiring a new generation of female entrepreneurs in her community. Nieces, cousins and neighbors all look up to Tabitha as a role model for what’s possible.

And most of all, Tabitha is proud to be proving her own children through example that passion and perseverance can open doors.

“I hope my daughter grows up knowing that you can have ambition beyond just a job. You can be a mom and an entrepreneur. With hard work, anything is possible.”

Tabitha’s story reveals that the path to prosperity begins at home. By sharing her gifts with the world, she built an income stream that provides security for her family and makes an impact far beyond just dollars and cents.

Start Your Passion Project Today

As Tabitha’s journey shows, you don’t need a business degree or fancy experience to turn your passion into profit.

If she can do it, so can you. Get started on that hobby today. Share your creations and see what resonates.

The opportunity to create the income and lifestyle you want is waiting at your fingertips.

Read also:

Quit My Accounting Job in Nairobi to Launch a YouTube Channel – Now I Earn 6 Figures a Year


That’s what 25-year-old Esther Njoki used to feel every Sunday evening as the work week loomed.

A graduate of University of Nairobi, Esther had landed a “dream job” at a prestigious accounting firm in Nairobi right after college. But after 2 years crunching numbers behind a desk for 14 hours a day, she felt creatively stifled and burnt out.

Esther yearned to do work she truly loved. She set a crazy goal – quit her accounting job to start a YouTube channel focused on travel in Kenya.

Just 18 whirlwind months later, Esther’s channel has over 150,000 subscribers and earns her a full-time income of over Ksh10,000,000 ($100k USD) per year.

This is the story of how Esther found the courage to pursue her passion, persevered through a messy start, and now earns 6 figures as a full-time “YouTuber” embracing true lifestyle freedom.

Why She Quit Her Accounting Job

After years of following travel YouTubers and dreaming of her own channel, Esther finally got the push she needed from an unlikely place.

“I was on a work trip in Mombasa auditing hotels. One evening I was watching travel vlogs on YouTube instead of preparing for work the next day.

It hit me that I was living vicariously through YouTubers exploring the world, while I was stuck in a job I no longer enjoyed. I decided then and there to take the leap.”

The very next week, Esther quit her accounting job and began plotting her new YouTube career.

She didn’t have any video experience. Just $3,000 Ksh in savings. But she did have a vision and a whole lot of grit.

Rocky First Year Running on Passion

That first year trying to get her channel off the ground nearly broke Esther.

Working from her tiny apartment in Nairobi, she struggled to gain any traction posting 2 videos per week focused on budget travel tips across Kenya.

“I badly underestimated how difficult it was to build a following from scratch on YouTube. My videos barely got any views. I drained all my savings and couldn’t even afford rent.”

Esther doubted whether she had made a terrible mistake leaving her accounting job. But her passion for creating travel content kept her going.

“I just tried to enjoy the process without obsessing over results or income. I knew if I could stick it out long enough, things would take off.”

And she was right.

After 12 demoralizing months, Esther finally struck algorithm gold with a video titled “Epic Safari Road Trip from Nairobi to Maasai Mara for Under $150.”

The video quickly went viral amassing over 250k views in a few weeks. Her subscriber count doubled then tripled. She gained the momentum she needed.

Esther reinvested her first YouTube earnings into better camera gear and committed to her channel full-time.

Within 6 months of crossing 10k subscribers, she hit 100k. Soon she was earning enough from Adsense and sponsorships to replace her accounting salary and then some.

How She Earns 6 Figures on YouTube Today

Fast forward to today, Esther’s thriving channel earns her a luxurious income of over Ksh10 million per year.

Here’s how she monetizes:

YouTube Adsense – The bulk of revenue comes from serving Google ads on her videos. High views = healthy earnings.

Sponsored Posts – Esther also works directly with Kenyan tourism boards and brands to create sponsored travel content and reviews.

Affiliate Links – She uses affiliate links in video descriptions to earn commissions on hotel bookings, car rentals, safari tours and more.

Merchandise – Esther sells t-shirts, hoodies, stickers and other swag featuring her channel brand and inside jokes.

Channel Memberships – Loyal fans pay a monthly fee for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and access.

With over 1 million views per month, these earnings streams add up fast for Esther’s channel.

Esther’s Top Tips

Esther credits these strategies for building her channel into a highly profitable business:

  • Hyperfocus on a specific niche rather than variety content
  • Reinvest earnings to improve production quality
  • Study the algorithm and double down on what performs best
  • Prioritize subscriber growth over quick views
  • Engage fans directly through comments and community tab

Fulfilled Living Her Dream Lifestyle

Today Esther gets to live the lifestyle she always envisioned when starting her channel.

  • She sets her own schedule and works when she wants
  • She travels across Kenya doing what she loves – creating video content
  • She earns a higher income doing fulfilling work
  • She built a brand and community she’s proud of

Most rewarding of all, Esther’s journey of leaving accounting to pursue her unlikely YouTube dream has inspired other young Kenyans to go after their passions.

“I get messages every day from people who say I’ve given them the courage to make a career change and finally do work they love. That makes all the long hours and sacrifice worth it.”

Key Takeaways from Esther’s Journey

For other young professionals in Kenya considering following in Esther’s footsteps, here are some key lessons from her story:

1. Save aggressively – Build a strong savings cushion pre-transition of 6+ months living expenses

2. Pick a niche – Become THE authority in a specific niche vs. variety content

3. Master video editing – Invest time in sharpening your video production skills

4. Research the market – Study your competition and identify unmet needs in your niche

5. Collaborate strategically – Partner with others who have an engaged audience

At the end of the day, Esther proves that with relentless drive and commitment to your craft, you can turn a side hustle passion into a full-time living in Kenya.

“My only regret is not starting YouTube sooner. If you have a dream, start before you feel ready and leap into the unknown.”

Your time is now.

Read also:

Top 5 Online Side Hustles for University Students in Kenya

Juggling classes, a mountain of assignments, and exams is hard enough for university students in Kenya. Adding in the pressure to earn extra money can feel impossible.

But what if there was a way to make good side income working just a few flexible hours per week? A way to profit from your skills and passions without taking time away from lectures or study sessions?

In fact, there are countless online side hustles perfect for Kenyan university students looking to pad their pockets and gain valuable skills. Opportunities that allow you to become your own boss and achieve financial freedom.

In this article, we reveal the top 5 online side hustles every university student in Kenya should consider this semester:

1. Digital Marketing Consultant

Digital marketing is one of the most in-demand and lucrative skills in Kenya today. Brands of all sizes need help promoting their businesses online.

As a university student, you can cash in on this demand by offering freelance digital marketing services like:

  • Social media management
  • Content creation
  • Graphic design
  • Email/SMS marketing
  • Search engine optimization

Services can range from one-off gigs to longer-term contracts. Rates typically start at Ksh2,000 per hour up to Ksh100,000 per month for retained services.

This is an amazing way to gain real-world marketing experience while earning a healthy side income. No major upfront investment is required beyond a laptop and internet connection.

Key Tools

  • Canva – Design graphics and social media posts
  • Hootsuite, Buffer – Schedule social posts
  • Mailchimp – Email marketing
  • SEMrush – SEO and keyword research

2. Blog Writer

Do you consider yourself a strong writer? That skill is highly valuable.

Many companies hire freelance blog writers to create content for their websites – articles, product descriptions, guides, and more.

As a student, you can offer your writing services, charging on a per-word or per-post basis. Rates range from Ksh10-Ksh20 per word.

This allows you to leverage your writing abilities for earnings you can fit around your class schedule. No specific degree or prior experience is required.

How to Start

  • Build a portfolio of writing samples
  • Create profiles on freelance sites like Upwork
  • Reach out to companies directly pitching your services

3. Tutor

Got a knack for certain subjects? Offer private tutoring services online to students who need a hand.

With platforms like Skooli, you create a profile outlining the subjects you specialize in, your experience level, and hourly rate.

You then deliver 1-on-1 virtual tutoring over video chat. Subjects like math, sciences, languages, and standardized test prep are in high demand.

Rates for tutors range from Ksh800-Ksh2,000 per hour based on expertise level. And your own academic studies take priority over tutoring availability.

Whether looking to tutor high schoolers or even provide university level peer mentoring, this is a rewarding way to help other students while earning at your own pace.

4. Virtual Assistant

Every business needs administrative help – but hiring full-time assistants is expensive.

As a VA (virtual assistant), you can provide administrative support and basic business tasks for clients on a part-time freelance basis.

Common VA services include:

  • Calendar management
  • Email handling
  • Data entry
  • Research
  • Bookkeeping

No specific degree is required and most skills can be learned online. Kenya-based VAs typically earn Ksh1,000 – Ksh4,000 per hour worked.

Working just 5-10 flexible hours per week, you can bring in a healthy side income while gaining great real-world business experience.

Key VA Skills

  • Communication
  • Organization
  • Customer service
  • MS Office/Google Suite
  • Time management

5. Sell Your Course or Ebook

Have deep expertise in a particular subject like programming, design, finance? Consider creating an online course or ebook and selling it for profit.

Platforms like Udemy and Gumroad make it easy to build and market your own course or ebook then earn passive income each time someone purchases it.

For example, an ebook on “Intro to Python for Kenyan University Students” or a course on “Navigating Campus Life at KU”.

Pricing is up to you – courses sell for Ksh1,000 to Ksh5,000+ based on length and value.

This allows you to leverage your specialized knowledge into a digital product you can sell again and again. And build your personal brand in the process.

How to Create Your Course

  • Outline the curriculum
  • Record video lectures
  • Make presentations/worksheets
  • Publish and promote

So which of these online side hustles will you turn to first to start making money from your dorm room this semester?

With a small time investment, you can easily begin building skills, income, and freedom through any of the opportunities outlined above.

No more asking your parents for extra pocket money or taking out expensive loans. Backed with your passion, grit, and these online tools, you can create the student life you truly want.

The time is now – start harnessing the power of the internet and join the next generation of successful digital entrepreneurs in Kenya today.

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