The Complete Blueprint to Get Transcription Clients in Kenya

Transcription services are in high demand in Kenya as businesses, researchers, and institutions seek help converting their audio content into accessible, written documents.

But the market is also competitive.

As a transcription provider, how do you make your business stand out and attract new clients consistently?

The good news is that with the right strategy and effort, there are proven ways to build a solid clientele and pipeline.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through time-tested tactics to hook new transcription clients in the Kenyan market and grow your revenue.

Whether you are just starting out or looking to expand an existing transcription company, you will uncover insider techniques to:

  • Price and package your services attractively
  • Promote your business online and offline
  • Build partnerships and leverage referrals
  • Specialize and dominate a niche
  • Deliver exceptional value that keeps clients coming back

Follow these powerful, practical tips and you will gain the winning edge for getting more Kenyan clients to hire your transcription services over other options. Let’s dive in!

7 tried and tested ways to get transcription clients in Kenya

Offer Competitive Pricing and Fast Turnaround Times

One of the most effective ways to attract new transcription clients in Kenya is to offer competitive pricing combined with fast turnaround times.

When potential clients are evaluating transcription services to outsource their work to, these two factors are often decisive.

To offer competitive pricing, you need to research the going rates for transcription services in Kenya and price yourself at par or lower than average market prices.

At the entry level, you can keep prices low by being efficient and minimizing overheads. As you build a reputation over time, you can increase rates gradually.

Some tips for competitive pricing:

  • Check rates of other transcription services in Kenya to benchmark your own pricing.
  • Offer tiered pricing for different types of content – higher rates for technical, lower for general transcription.
  • Have additional charges for add-ons like transcripts formatted a certain way.
  • Offer discounts or lower rates for bulk/frequent clients to attract more business.
  • Ensure your rates account for your cost structure while remaining profitable.

However, competitive pricing alone is not enough – fast turnaround is equally crucial.

Clients want transcripts delivered quickly, often within 24-48 hours, so they can proceed with their tasks and projects without delays.

To provide fast turnarounds:

  • Be transparent about turnaround commitments and stick to them strictly.
  • Structure your schedules and resources to complete orders within promised timeframes.
  • Prioritize orders and optimize your workflow.
  • Build teams and leverage freelancers if needed to handle peak loads.
  • Use productivity tools like automated transcription software.
  • Only take on orders you can complete on time.

Delivering transcripts quickly shows clients that you are an efficient, responsive service provider able to meet their pressing needs. This builds trust and reliability that keeps clients coming back.

The combination of affordable pricing and fast turnaround is extremely effective for getting new transcription clients on board initially.

You lower the risk for them trying out your service. Once you demonstrate consistency and quality over time, clients will be willing to pay higher rates for your specialized expertise and strong track record.

Read also: 15 Transcription Jobs in Kenya That Pay through MPESA

Promote Your Transcription Services Online

The internet presents diverse options for transcription services providers in Kenya to market and promote their business to attract new clients in Kenya.

With increasing digital adoption, an online presence is essential to reach potential customers searching for your services online.

Some effective online marketing channels include:


  • A website is a necessity, showcasing your services, past work and client testimonials.
  • Optimise your website content with relevant keywords so you rank highly on Google and other search engines.
  • Include persuasive calls to action for visitors to contact you.
  • Publish blog posts showcasing your expertise to establish authority and credibility.

Social Media

  • Promote your services on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.
  • Join and advertise in active social media groups for your target clients like Kenyan business forums.
  • Post content highlighting your competitive advantages.
  • Run contests and promos to generate leads.

Online Classifieds

  • List your transcription services on classified sites like Jiji and PigiaMe.
  • Include attractive keywords and optimize your ads for visibility.
  • Refresh ads regularly so they remain on top.
  • Offer promotions or discounts for buyers from classifieds.

Freelancing Platforms

  • Join sites connecting freelancers and clients like Fiverr, Upwork and Freelancer.
  • Build a compelling profile showcasing your experience.
  • Bid competitively on relevant transcription projects.
  • Get stellar reviews to stand out.

Read also: Verbit Transcription in Kenya: What To Know

Google Ads

  • Run pay-per-click ads targeting searches for transcription services in Kenya.
  • Test different keywords, ads and landing pages for optimal results.
  • Offer promotions for those contacting you via Google Ads.

Content Marketing

  • Publish guest posts on reputed industry blogs.
  • Distribute articles showcasing your expertise on article directories.
  • Develop informational resources like e-books and whitepapers for lead generation.

An omni-channel online presence allows you to reach clients however they prefer to search for or engage with transcription services.

It showcases your expertise and builds credibility as a trusted provider able to handle their work professionally.

Network and Get Referrals to Find Transcription Clients

While online marketing can help bring in new business, networking in person and getting referrals from existing satisfied clients are also powerful ways to expand your roster of transcription clients.

Networking at events and conferences

  • Attend industry events like business expos or legal and medical conferences. Set up a booth or simply mingle to make connections.
  • Prepare a short elevator pitch introducing your services, competitive benefits and types of clients you work with.
  • Bring professionally designed brochures to hand out with your contact information and service details.
  • Collect business cards and follow up promptly with potential leads you interact with.
  • Offer promotional discounts like 10% off to those you meet who may turn into clients.
  • Hold a contest or giveaway to generate buzz and leads.
  • Present on transcription topics at events to establish yourself as an expert.
  • Participate actively in industry groups and associations to build connections over time.

Getting referrals from existing clients

  • Ask happy clients to recommend your services to colleagues, friends or contacts who may need similar services.
  • Provide incentives like discounts or vouchers as a thank you for successful referrals.
  • Use a testimonial or positive feedback from a client in your promotional materials, with their consent.
  • Request clients to give reviews on directories like Google My Business.
  • Maintain high quality standards so clients are eager to recommend you.
  • Stay in touch with clients through newsletters, updates and holiday greetings.
  • Learn from client feedback to improve weak areas so clients are satisfied.
  • Surprise and delight loyal clients with tokens of appreciation and complimentary services.

Using a combination of in-person networking and leveraging satisfied clients to refer new ones can help expand your clientele through trust and word-of-mouth.

Both are essential elements of an effective client acquisition strategy.

Read also: How Much Do Transcribers Earn in Kenya? Latest

Specialize in a Niche Area to Attract the Right Transcription Clients in Kenya

Targeting specific niche areas and specializing as a transcription service provider can make your services stand out for potential clients in those industries.

Rather than being a generic transcription company trying to appeal to every business, specialization demonstrates deeper expertise.

Some examples of industries and niches to specialize in include:

Legal Transcription

  • Transcribing legal meetings, court proceedings, client interviews or depositions
  • Learning legal terminology, formatting and processes
  • Advertising your legal specialization to law firms and legal process outsourcing companies

Academic Transcription

  • Transcribing lectures, interviews, webinars for colleges, universities and researchers
  • Knowing styles like APA or Chicago for formatting references
  • Reaching out to professors, academics and institutions for new business

Medical Transcription

  • Transcribing patient reports, consultations, research interviews in medical fields
  • Understanding medical terminology and healthcare workflows
  • Marketing to hospitals, clinics, medical technology companies and researchers

Media and Entertainment Transcription

  • Transcribing interviews, productions, broadcasts or podcasts
  • Adapting to different audio conditions and content types
  • Targeting production companies, radio stations, journalists and presenters

Financial Transcription

  • Transcribing earnings calls, analyst meetings, shareholder meetings
  • Learning finance, investing and accounting terminology
  • Promoting to financial firms, investment banks, financial media firms

Technical Transcription

  • Transcribing technical instruction manuals, training materials, product demos
  • Grasping complex product knowledge and technical language
  • Reaching engineering and technology firms who need documentation

The benefit of specialization is that it allows you to tailor and optimize your services for clients in those verticals, from subject matter expertise to terminology used.

It also lets you focus marketing efforts on the right prospective client bases instead of spreading yourself thin chasing any lead.

Over time, as you deliver consistently good work in a niche, you become established as a trusted, specialized provider for those industries.

This builds loyalty and repeat business.

Partner with Relevant Businesses to Get Regular Transcription Work

Developing partnerships with complementary businesses that require regular transcription services can provide a stable flow of clients for your company in Kenya.

Strategic partnerships also lend credibility through association with reputed organizations.

Here are some examples of potential business partners:

Law firms and legal process outsourcing companies

  • Offer volume discounts in return for regular legal transcription work.
  • Enter service agreements to transcribe recordings of client meetings, court proceedings etc.
  • Provide quick turnarounds meeting their tight deadlines.

Colleges, universities and academic researchers

  • Build relationships with professors and academics to transcribe lectures and interviews.
  • Offer discounted rates for large projects like thesis or dissertation transcriptions.
  • Guarantee academic formatting like APA style references.

Hospitals and healthcare providers

  • Contract for regular transcription of patient reports, doctor consultations.
  • Ensure strict confidentiality protocols are followed.
  • Use medical terminology accurately.

Media and production houses

  • Enter agreements to transcribe interviews, shows, podcasts on an ongoing basis.
  • Provide time-coded transcripts.
  • Offer fast turnarounds to keep up with production schedules.

Conference and event planners

  • Offer special bundles to transcribe recordings of conferences, seminars.
  • Provide discounted rates for large multi-day events.
  • Turn around transcripts quickly after events conclude.

Market research and survey companies

  • Partner to transcribe findings from focus groups, interviews and surveys.
  • Code responses and label categories or themes.
  • Structure data professionally for analysis.

The terms of partnerships can vary depending on the industries but the core focus is providing favorable rates and priority service in exchange for predictable, recurring work.

This helps both parties plan and integrate the services seamlessly into their workflows.

Be Accessible and Professional to Attract Transcription Clients in Kenya

Providing an accessible, professional service builds trust and confidence for potential new clients evaluating your transcription company. Some key elements include:

Have a professional online presence

  • A website and social media profiles depicting your services positively.
  • Easy to find contact information like email and phone numbers.
  • Prompt response to inquiries, within 24 hours if possible.

Be available and responsive

  • Share your working hours and best times to contact you.
  • Specify the response time for queries. Stick to this diligently.
  • Provide multiple communication channels – email, phone, social media etc.

Have a personalized approach

  • Address clients by name in communications.
  • Take time to understand their specific needs and tailor services accordingly.
  • Follow up individually after order completion to collect feedback.

Demonstrate your expertise

  • Share previous relevant experience and expertise in your niche.
  • Provide client testimonials and sample work to showcase your capabilities.
  • Blog about industry topics to establish thought leadership.

Maintain confidentiality

  • Reassure clients about safety of their data and recordings.
  • Sign NDAs if required. Set up secure systems for file sharing.
  • Obtain permission before publicly referencing a client’s work.

Be transparent in your processes

  • Explain your step-by-step methodology for delivering results.
  • Set clear expectations on project timelines and delivery.
  • Invoice transparently including any additional costs.

Present yourself professionally

  • Follow up with emails, not just verbal agreements. Document everything.
  • Ensure consistency in quality of work regardless of order size.
  • Honor your commitments to build a professional reputation.

These elements help position you as an expert transcription service provider that clients can trust. It builds confidence to handover their sensitive content and gives peace of mind you will handle it reliably.

Leverage Freelance Platforms to Get Transcription Work

Freelance platforms like Fiverr, Upwork and Freelancer offer great opportunities to tap into a global pool of clients looking for transcription services at different volumes and budgets.

Here are some tips to gain transcription clients on these platforms:

Build an attractive profile

  • Fill out your profile completely with services offered, expertise, portfolio samples etc.
  • Get profile verifications like ID checks to seem credible.
  • Use relevant keywords clients search for like “Transcriptionist”.

Offer tiered packages

  • Have packages for different types of content – interviews, meetings, normal conversations.
  • Offer add-ons like time-coded transcripts, verbatim transcription etc.
  • Provide bundles or discounts for bulk orders.

Set competitive pricing

  • Research pricing levels of top providers in the category.
  • Price your core packages competitively to win projects as a newcomer.
  • Gradually increase rates as you build up reviews and ratings.

Highlight your Unique Selling Proposition

  • Showcase any specialized experience like legal or medical transcription.
  • Emphasize your reliability and quick turnarounds.
  • Share unique strengths like advanced editing skills.

Bid on relevant projects

  • Look for transcription projects matching your expertise.
  • Submit competitive bids with a personalized proposal.
  • Follow up with clients to increase bid success rate.

Deliver top quality work

  • Maintain high accuracy and meet all requirements.
  • Use the platform tools to collaborate smoothly with clients.
  • Ask clients to leave positive feedback and reviews.

Freelance platforms give access to small one-off jobs and also recurring bulk clients. As you establish your reputation with excellent work and reviews, you get more steady clients leading to growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Offer competitive pricing and fast turnarounds to attract price-sensitive transcription clients in Kenya.
  • Promote services actively online via channels like social media, Google Ads and content marketing.
  • Network in person and leverage referrals from satisfied clients.
  • Specialize in a niche like legal or medical transcription to build domain expertise.
  • Partner with relevant businesses needing regular transcription services.
  • Be professional and accessible to establish credibility with potential clients.
  • Leverage freelance platforms like Fiverr and Upwork to access global clients.


Attracting new transcription clients involves a combination of competitive pricing, strong marketing, quality delivery and specialization in high-demand niches.

Building partnerships and leveraging referrals also fuels growth through trusted relationships.

With persistence and delivering added value, transcription services can develop a steady client pipeline.

Read also: How to Start Transcription in Kenya: Complete Guide

How Much Do Transcribers Earn in Kenya? Latest

Want to ditch the daily commute and become your own boss as a remote transcriptionist? With the right skills, this growing industry offers decent pay from the comfort of home – even on the other side of the world.

Kenya has emerged as a hotspot for transcription outsourcing thanks to widespread English fluency and low labor costs. But how much do these home-based workers really earn?

Can you make a living wage transcribing for overseas companies?

The money certainly beats typical incomes in Kenya. Yet the totals remain modest compared to Western earnings.

In this article, we’ll break down the earning potential for transcription contractors in Kenya.

You’ll discover average pay rates for entry level and experienced transcribers across specializations. We’ll also look at what really impacts your income potential in this competitive industry.

So if you’re considering transcription work, either locally or as a Kenyan exporting skills abroad, read on to learn how much this remote career can pay.

What is a Transcriber?

A transcriber is someone who listens to audio recordings and types out written versions of the content.

This requires carefully listening to sometimes poor quality audio, accurately typing the words spoken, and including proper punctuation and formatting like speaker labels in the written document.

Transcribers may work with all kinds of recordings like legal proceedings, business meetings, medical dictations, media interviews, or academic lectures.

The Growth of Outsourced Transcription

The transcription industry has grown enormously in recent years.

Research firm Markets and Markets estimates the global market for transcription services will reach $25.79 billion by 2026 as demand increases across sectors.

Companies and researchers are gathering more audio data than ever before, but need accurate written records of the content.

Advances in automatic speech recognition technology from companies like Google and Amazon have also bolstered the industry.

While AI-based software can now transcribe simple audio recordings fairly accurately, human transcription remains essential for catching every word precisely when audio quality is poor or speakers talk over each other.

The need for perfectly accurate written records has led many companies to outsource transcription to developing countries like Kenya.

Outsourcing Transcription for Cost Savings

Kenya has become a popular destination for outsourced transcription thanks to the large English-speaking population willing to work for relatively low wages.

The average annual income in Kenya is around $1,770 (2016 estimate), significantly below income levels in America, Europe and other major economies.

Outsourcing transcription to Kenyan workers allows companies to drastically reduce labor costs.

The developing economy and widespread fluency in English make Kenya an optimal destination for basic transcription work.

Companies are also increasingly outsourcing specialized legal, medical, or academic transcription to Kenya.

While these types require expert knowledge and training, the hourly rates are still far below what would be paid to transcribers in developed nations.

Income and Pay Rates for Kenyan Transcribers

So how much do these transcribers in Kenya actually earn? Income can vary substantially based on experience, skill,and the types of projects transcribed.

Entry-Level Transcriber Wages

Those new to the field face low wages as they build skills and gain experience. Entry-level transcribers in Kenya may only earn:

  • $2-5 per audio hour for basic transcription
  • $5-10 per audio hour for more technical work requiring specialized knowledge

With experienced transcribers capable of transcribing one hour of audio in 3-4 hours, new transcribers may make $6-20 total per finished hour.

Higher rates go to those with training in legal/medical terminology or fluency in multiple languages.

Experienced Transcriber Wages

With a few years of full-time work, skilled transcribers can increase earnings to:

  • $10-15 per audio hour for general transcription
  • $15-25+ per audio hour for specialized transcription

Experienced full-time transcribers may earn $250-500 per week, with the highest earners bringing in $1,000+ for niche medical or legal transcription.

Factors Impacting Transcriber Income in Kenya

Several key factors impact how much transcribers can earn:

  • Experience – higher pay rates come with years on the job and accuracy.
  • Specialization – legal, medical, academic domains require advanced training but offer much higher pay.
  • English fluency – near-native English skills are crucial for the highest paying transcription work.
  • Certifications – completing certified training programs can qualify transcribers for better opportunities.
  • Platform – some providers like Rev offer lower pay but more consistent work.

This table summarizes typical earning potential of transcription in Kenya:

Experience LevelType of TranscriptionPay Rate Per Audio Hour
Entry-levelGeneral transcription$2-10
Entry-levelSpecialized transcription$10-25
ExperiencedGeneral transcription$10-15
ExperiencedSpecialized transcription$25+

Income Relative to Kenyan Cost of Living

While professional transcribers earn well above the $1,770 annual average income, pay remains modest compared to developed nations. Kenya has a much lower cost of living, with expenses like:

  • Rent – $400 a month in cities like Nairobi
  • Food – $200-300 a month for basic but healthy diet
  • Utilities – $150 a month

With limited living costs, experienced full-time transcribers earning $500 a week ($2,000 a month) can afford a decent middle-class lifestyle. However, the informal economy and inconsistent work makes it difficult for many Kenyans to earn regular professional wages.

Challenges Facing Kenyan Transcribers

Despite strong demand, many obstacles remain for Kenyan transcription workers:

  • Irregular work – frequent gaps between projects lead to unstable income.
  • Unpaid training – some firms require months of unpaid practice before hiring transcribers.
  • Low rates – platforms like Rev pay as little as $0.30 per audio minute.
  • No benefits – transcribers must provide their own equipment and healthcare.
  • Crowded field – more trainees entering the market pushes down wages.

These challenges can make it difficult to earn a steady living wage, especially for those lacking experience.


Transcription can provide decent pay relative to overall incomes in Kenya. Experienced full-time transcribers in Kenya earn $250-500 per week, with highly skilled specialists making up to $1,000.

Yet entry-level workers struggle with much lower pay of $6-20 per hour as they build expertise.

English fluency, specialized knowledge, certifications and experience on reputable platforms dramatically increases earning potential for Kenyan transcribers.

But inconsistent work volume, unpaid training periods and intense competition remain persistent issues.

While outsourced transcription is a promising field, ensuring reliable living wages remains an ongoing challenge.

Read also:

Transcription Accounts for Sale in Kenya: A Guide

If you’re a skilled transcriptionist looking for new opportunities in Kenya, you might have come across the option to buy transcription accounts.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of transcription accounts for sale in Kenya, the risks associated with buying them, tips for purchasing them, the pay rates for transcription work in Kenya, and the best transcription companies to work for.

Let’s dive in and discover everything you need about transcription accounts in Kenya!

Exploring Transcription Accounts for Sale in Kenya

In Kenya, various websites and ads offer transcription accounts for sale.

These accounts claim to provide access to transcription jobs, allowing individuals to earn money by transcribing audio files.

Some of the platforms where you can find transcription accounts for sale include:

  1. Jiji: Jiji is a popular online marketplace that offers Rev Captioning and Transcribing accounts for sale. The platform claims to provide training to ensure job perfection before selling the accounts.
  2. Loozap Kenya: Loozap Kenya offers Verbit Transcription accounts for sale. You can contact them directly for a potential deal if you’re interested in this type of account.
  3. offers new Rev transcribing and captioning accounts for sale. They assert that these accounts can earn you $15 to $20 per day and are available at affordable prices.
  4. Accounts Place Kenya: Accounts Place Kenya operates as a freelancers’ marketplace where you can buy or sell freelancing accounts online, including transcription accounts.
  5. provides a list of the top 10 transcription job sites to make money online in Kenya. Some of the platforms listed include Speechpad Transcription, Gotranscript, Scribie, TranscribeMe, and Verbit Transcription.
  6. Online Writing Central: Online Writing Central allows individuals to buy, sell, and trade-in online writing accounts in Kenya. They also offer free consultation and advice related to writing accounts.

The Risks of Buying Transcription Accounts Online in Kenya

While buying transcription accounts in Kenya may seem enticing, it comes with certain risks that must be carefully considered before engaging in such transactions.

Here are some of the risks associated with buying transcription accounts online in Kenya:

  • Quality of Work: There is a risk that the quality of work provided through purchased accounts may not meet your expectations. Subpar transcriptions can lead to wasted time and money.
  • Penalties and Account Suspension: Transcription sites often have strict rules and may impose penalties for errors in transcriptions. If you’re using an acquired account, you could face suspension or termination if the account has a history of rule violations.
  • Security Concerns: Some transcription tools may not have robust security measures in place, potentially putting your audio files at risk of unauthorized access.
  • Legal and Ethical Issues: Buying and selling accounts may not be legal or ethical, and you could face legal consequences if caught engaging in such activities.
  • Scams: Unfortunately, some scammers attempt to sell fake transcription accounts in Kenya. Falling victim to a scam could result in losing your money without genuine transcription work opportunities.

Given these risks, it is crucial to exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and seek legitimate opportunities when pursuing transcription work in Kenya.

Working with reputable transcription companies that do not charge upfront fees to get started is advisable.

Cost of buying transcription accounts in Kenya

Let’s talk money.

How much will you pay?

Account NameCondition/LevelListed Price
AmberscriptType: newKES 20,000
werkit reviewerType: 4KES 35,000
SpeechpadType: 99KES 20,000
scribieType: 5KES 1,000
demoted traxType: 4KES 25,000
HappyscribeType: NewKES 25,000
Remotask with bulba projectType: NewKES 30,000
Scribie proofreading accountType: ProofreadingKES 16,000
Crowdsurf level 6Type: 900KES 15,000
Verified werkitType: 3.79KES 23,000
Go transcriptType: 5KES 23,000
Scribie transcriptionType: 5KES 2,000
old verbitType: 4KES 35,000
focus forwardType: newKES 10,000
Go transcriptType: newKES 18,000
no transcriptType: 5KES 1,500
scribe transcription availableType: 4KES 105,000
Scribie ReviewerType: USEDKES 6,500
Scribie, ReviewerType: ReviewerKES 7,000
Speechpad transcription (brand new) accType: 1stKES 25,000
CrowdsurfType: Level 2KES 8,000
Demoted TraxType: OldKES 50,000
SpeechpadType: NewKES 10,000
Cheap focus forward accountType: UsedKES 15,000
Old Verbit Reviewer AccountType: Old.KES 70,000
Studypool Rising StarType: Rising StarKES 9,000
Data from

The prices and availability of these accounts may change over time.

Tips for Buying a Transcription Account in Kenya

If you decide to proceed with purchasing a transcription account, consider these tips to ensure a smoother and more successful transaction:

1. Do Your Research: Thoroughly research the platform or individual offering the transcription account. Request proof of ownership and review the account’s history to ensure it has not been banned or suspended.

2. Negotiate the Price: The price of transcription accounts can vary depending on the platform and type of account. Be prepared to negotiate for the best deal possible.

3. Factor in Commission: Some websites and agencies may charge a commission on the sale of transcription accounts. Account for this additional cost when negotiating the final price.

4. Buy from Reputable Sellers: To avoid scams, buy from reputable sellers who have positive reviews and can provide proof of ownership.

5. Use Secure Payment Methods: Opt for payment methods that offer buyer protection, such as PayPal or credit card, to safeguard your transaction.

6. Read the Terms and Conditions: Before purchasing a transcription account, carefully read the terms and conditions of the sale to understand your rights and the seller’s obligations.

Remember that buying transcription accounts may not be recommended due to the associated risks and ethical concerns.

Instead, explore opportunities to work with reputable transcription companies or freelance platforms that connect you directly with legitimate clients.

How Much Does Transcription Pay in Kenya?

The pay rate for transcription work in Kenya can vary depending on several factors, such as the company you work for, your experience level, and the type of transcription job. Here’s a summary of the information gathered from the search results:

  • Transcription Hub: Transcription Hub offers a competitive pay rate ranging from $13 to $4 per audio hour, which is higher than the average pay rate on most transcription job sites.
  • Online Jobs Reviews: According to this source, you can earn between $15 (approximately Kshs 1500) to $22 (approximately Kshs 2200) per audio hour through Transcribeme.
  • PayScale: The average hourly pay for a transcriber in Kenya is around Ksh 500.00. However, the hourly rate for transcription jobs can range from Ksh 305 to Ksh 4,000, with an average of Ksh 2,500.
  • ProLatest: Transcriptionists in Kenya can earn between Kshs. 540 to 3,600 per hour.

Please note that these figures are approximate and can vary based on individual circumstances, the complexity of the audio, the turnaround time, and the transcriptionist’s skill level.

Best Transcription Companies to Work for in Kenya

If you’re looking for reputable transcription companies to work for in Kenya, consider the following options based on the search results:

  1. AfroLingo: AfroLingo is regarded as one of Kenya’s leading companies providing transcription services. They are known for offering excellent and affordable transcription services.
  2. Qualtranscribe Africa: Qualtranscribe Africa is a transcription service based in Nairobi, Kenya. They have professionally vetted transcribers and linguists, ensuring accurate qualitative research transcriptions.
  3. KaziRemote: KaziRemote has been listed as one of the top transcription companies in Kenya on GoodFirms. They provide transcription services and have received positive reviews.
  4. Isakasnel Consultants: Isakasnel Consultants is another transcription company listed on GoodFirms. They offer transcription services and have a good reputation.
  5. Newbridge Africa: Newbridge Africa has also been listed as one of the top transcription companies in Kenya on GoodFirms. They provide transcription services and have garnered positive reviews.
  6. Elite Translators: Elite Translators is a transcription company listed on GoodFirms. They offer transcription services and have a favorable reputation.

Please note that this list may not be exhaustive, and it’s essential to conduct further research and read reviews to find the best fit for your skills and preferences.

Additionally, freelance platforms like Upwork also present opportunities for transcriptionists to find clients and work on a project-by-project basis.

Transcription Jobs That Pay via Mpesa

If you prefer to receive payments via Mpesa, some transcription jobs in Kenya offer this payment option. Some of the platforms that pay transcriptionists through Mpesa include:

  1. Fiverr: Fiverr is a popular freelancing platform that allows you to offer transcription services and receive payments through Mpesa.
  2. Upwork: Upwork, another well-known freelancing platform, offers transcription jobs in Kenya and provides the option to receive payments via Mpesa.
  3. Gotranscript: Gotranscript is a transcription company that offers transcription jobs in Kenya and pays transcriptionists through Mpesa.
  4. is a reputable transcription company that hires transcriptionists in Kenya and offers payment through Mpesa.

While Mpesa is a convenient payment method for many Kenyan transcriptionists, checking the payment options available on each platform before accepting any transcription job is essential.

How to Get Clients for Transcription in Kenya

If you’re an aspiring transcriptionist looking to build your client base in Kenya, consider these practical tips for attracting potential clients:

  1. Create a Strong Online Presence: Establish a professional website and active social media profiles that showcase your skills and experience as a transcriptionist. Optimize your online presence for search engines to increase visibility.
  2. Direct Outreach: Reach out directly to potential clients by cold-emailing businesses or organizations that may require transcription services. Networking events and industry conferences can also provide opportunities to connect with potential clients.
  3. Freelance Platforms: Sign up for reputable freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and, where clients actively seek transcription services. These platforms facilitate finding work and handling payments.
  4. Offer Discounts and Referral Bonuses: Incentivize potential clients with discounts on their first transcription projects or referral bonuses for existing clients who recommend your services.
  5. Customer Service Excellence: Provide exceptional customer service by responding to client needs, meeting deadlines, and delivering high-quality transcriptions. Satisfied clients are more likely to return for future projects.
  6. Certification: Consider obtaining certification from reputable transcription organizations, such as the AAMT Certified Transcriptionist (CMT) program. Certification can enhance your credibility and attract more clients.
  7. Networking with Peers: Connect with other transcriptionists and professionals in related fields to expand your network. Networking can lead to valuable referrals and insights into new opportunities.
  8. Stay Updated: Keep abreast of industry trends and advancements in transcription technology. Staying up-to-date can position you as a knowledgeable and valuable asset to potential clients.

While building a client base takes time and effort, consistency and dedication will pay off as you gain experience and establish yourself as a reliable transcriptionist in Kenya.



In summary, the world of transcription accounts for sale in Kenya offers both opportunities and risks.

It is essential to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before considering such transactions.

Buying transcription accounts may not always be legal or ethical, and exploring alternative paths to finding legitimate transcription work in Kenya is crucial.

The pay rates for transcription work in Kenya can vary based on multiple factors, and it’s advisable to seek opportunities with reputable transcription companies or freelance platforms that provide fair compensation.

When searching for the best transcription companies to work for, consider those with positive reviews, transparent policies, and a good reputation in the industry.

Additionally, transcriptionists can receive payments through Mpesa on specific platforms, providing a convenient and popular payment method in Kenya.

Finally, building a client base in the transcription industry requires a combination of online presence, networking, excellent customer service, and continuous professional development.

Remember, success in the transcription field comes with dedication, continuous improvement, and a commitment to providing top-notch transcription services to clients.

With these insights, you can embark on a rewarding and fulfilling journey as a transcriptionist in Kenya.

Happy transcribing!

How to Earn from Worldcoin in Kenya

Cryptocurrencies have taken the financial world by storm, offering new and exciting opportunities for people to participate in the global economy.

One such cryptocurrency project making waves is Worldcoin.

Developed by Tools for Humanity, Worldcoin aims to provide a reliable way to authenticate humans online through its World ID system, countering bots and fake virtual identities facilitated by artificial intelligence.

This blog post explores the key features of Worldcoin, its unique iris biometric authentication method, and how individuals in Kenya can earn from this innovative cryptocurrency project.

What is Worldcoin?

Earn from Worldcoin in Kenya

Worldcoin is a cryptocurrency project founded in 2019 by Sam Altman, Max Novendstern, and Alex Blania, with backing from VC Andreessen Horowitz.

The project’s primary goal is to create universal access to the global economy, enabling everyone, regardless of their country or background, to participate in the digital economy.

At its core, Worldcoin offers two essential components: World ID and Worldcoin Token (WLD).

  • World ID: World ID is a privacy-preserving digital identity that proves the uniqueness and authenticity of an individual while protecting their privacy. This revolutionary concept aims to address critical identity-based challenges in the online world, effectively verifying a person’s real identity.
  • World App: The World App serves as the first wallet for the Worldcoin ecosystem. It supports private digital identity and facilitates access to a new financial system. Users can authenticate with their World ID, receive Worldcoin tokens, and conduct seamless digital money transactions worldwide.
  • Worldcoin Token (WLD): The Worldcoin Token is distributed globally and freely to individuals, serving both utility and future governance purposes. Worldcoin provides individuals with WLD tokens simply for being unique human beings. These tokens enable payment, purchases, and transfers using both digital assets and traditional currencies.
  • Iris Biometric Authentication: Worldcoin’s unique approach involves iris biometric authentication, where users receive an incentive of 25 Worldcoin tokens for getting their iris scanned using Worldcoin’s orb-shaped iris scanner.

Worldcoin operates on the Ethereum blockchain, leveraging both layer 1 and layer 2 technologies to ensure efficiency.

The project is decentralized and supported by a global community of developers, economists, and technologists, all dedicated to expanding participation in the global digital economy.

Initially, the Worldcoin Foundation acts as the steward of the protocol, supporting and nurturing the Worldcoin community until it becomes self-sufficient.

Despite its ambitious goals, some security experts have criticized Worldcoin’s iris scanning approach, citing concerns about ethics and potential failure.

How does Worldcoin’s Iris Biometric Authentication Work?

Worldcoin’s iris biometric authentication is a novel method to verify the humanness and uniqueness of users. Here’s how the process unfolds:

  1. World ID Sign-Up: Users begin by signing up for World ID, a privacy-preserving digital identity that safeguards their personal information.
  2. Iris Scan with Orb-Shaped Scanner: After signing up, users are prompted to get their iris scanned using Worldcoin’s innovative orb-shaped iris scanner.
  3. Unique Digital Identifier: The iris scan generates a unique digital identifier for each user, which is securely stored on the Worldcoin blockchain.
  4. Verification of Humanness and Uniqueness: The iris scan is solely used to verify the user’s humanness and uniqueness. It is not utilized for any other purposes.
  5. Incentives for Users: As a reward for participating in the network, users who undergo iris scanning receive 25 Worldcoin tokens, incentivizing them to become part of the Worldcoin community.

While the iris biometric authentication is an intriguing approach, it has been met with mixed opinions.

Some experts have praised its innovative nature, while others have raised concerns about its ethical implications and potential pitfalls.

How to Earn from Worldcoin in Kenya?

For individuals in Kenya interested in participating in the Worldcoin project, there are several avenues to explore:

Way 1: Become a Worldcoin Operator

As a Worldcoin Operator, you have the opportunity to earn money by signing up others with an Orb. To become a Worldcoin Operator, you will need to establish a registered local business in Kenya. This requirement ensures that Operators are committed to the project and can effectively introduce Worldcoin to their local communities. Worldcoin Operators build teams and manage operations to facilitate sign-ups. Additional information on becoming a Worldcoin Operator can be found on the Worldcoin blog.

Way 2: Submit to a Biometric Scan

Worldcoin representatives have offered at least $15 worth of Worldcoin for individuals who undergo a biometric scan, with an additional $5 incentive upon logging in. However, it’s crucial to approach this opportunity with caution, as some have raised concerns about the ethics of such practices.

Way 3: Buy and Sell Worldcoin

To buy and sell Worldcoin in Kenya, there are several options available. One way is to use the Worldcoin Android or iOS app.

To register, download the app and create an account. You can skip creating an account, but you will lose your coins if you change your device.

Your personal information like your national ID, phone number, and email are not mandatory requirements to register.

Once you have created an account, you will have access to the Worldcoin wallet used for cryptocurrency buying and selling.

To use the Worldcoin app and wallet, you must be 18 years and above.

Another option is to use a cryptocurrency exchange such as OKX.

OKX is one of the first exchanges to list Worldcoin (WLD). Deposits for WLD were enabled at 07:00 UTC.

Once the token deposit meets the requirements, OKX will list WLD/USDT. Withdrawals for WLD will be enabled at 10:00 UTC on July 25, 2023.

Worldcoin has also entered the Kenyan market and is expanding throughout Nairobi.

The organization is teaming with local organizations to provide access to the global digital economy and to offer educational resources to Kenyans about blockchain technology and emerging web3 technologies.

With 16 locations across Nairobi, Worldcoin claims that its product is providing Kenyans with access to the USD and cryptocurrencies, which were previously limited and expensive to acquire.

Coinbase also offers a cryptocurrency converter that allows you to convert Erugo World Coin to Kenyan Shilling.

Additionally, you can check CoinMarketCap to see where you can buy WorldCoin and with which currencies.

However, WorldCoin is not currently supported across Coinbase’s vast ecosystem.

Earning from Worldcoin in Kenya presents a chance to participate in the global economy and gain exposure to the exciting world of cryptocurrencies.

As with any investment or venture, it’s essential to conduct thorough research and exercise caution when participating in new and emerging technologies.

How to Become a Worldcoin Operator in Kenya?

How to Become a Worldcoin Operator in Kenya?

Becoming a Worldcoin Operator in Kenya is an opportunity to contribute to the project’s mission of providing universal access to the global economy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to becoming a Worldcoin Operator in Kenya:

  1. Register a Local Business: To qualify as a Worldcoin Operator, you must first establish a registered local business in Kenya. This registration ensures your commitment to the project and allows you to introduce Worldcoin to your community effectively.
  2. Application Process: Once you have a registered local business, you can apply to become a Worldcoin Operator. The application process can typically be found on the Worldcoin website. Follow the instructions provided to submit your application for consideration.
  3. Build and Manage Teams: Successful Worldcoin Operators possess strong entrepreneurial skills and are adept at building, managing, and motivating teams. As an Operator, you’ll be responsible for signing up individuals and encouraging them to participate in the Worldcoin project.
  4. Adhere to the Code of Conduct: Worldcoin Operators are expected to follow a strict Code of Conduct, which emphasizes compliance with local laws and the protection of the public. Adhering to this code is vital for maintaining the integrity of the Worldcoin project.

Becoming a Worldcoin Operator in Kenya is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the project’s vision while earning rewards for introducing individuals to the World ID system.

Responsibilities of a Worldcoin Operator in Kenya

As a Worldcoin Operator in Kenya, your responsibilities include:

  1. Signing Up Individuals: Worldcoin Operators play a vital role in signing up individuals to participate in the Worldcoin project. This involves encouraging individuals to secure a World ID, which proves their unique identity and enables them to participate in the digital economy.
  2. Collecting Biometric Data: Operators are incentivized to collect biometric data from individuals they sign up. However, it is essential to approach this responsibility with caution, considering the ethical concerns raised by some experts.
  3. Building and Managing Teams: Successful Worldcoin Operators possess strong leadership skills and can build and manage teams effectively. These teams facilitate the sign-up process and contribute to expanding the Worldcoin community.
  4. Compliance with Laws: Worldcoin Operators must adhere to local laws and regulations, including labor laws. The project provides its country-level operators with a code of conduct, which sub-operators must also follow.
  5. Providing Educational Resources: Worldcoin is partnering with local organizations to offer educational resources about blockchain technology and emerging web3 technologies to Kenyans. As an Operator, you may be responsible for providing these resources to individuals you sign up.

Being a Worldcoin Operator offers a chance to contribute to a global initiative while being compensated for your efforts in either stablecoins or fiat currency.

How Much Can a Worldcoin Operator Earn in Kenya?

The specific compensation for a Worldcoin Operator in Kenya is not explicitly specified in the available data.

Operators earn rewards either in Worldcoin tokens or fiat currency for successfully signing up individuals to participate in the Worldcoin project.

The earnings may vary depending on the number of individuals signed up and other factors. It’s crucial for potential Operators to research further and seek detailed information from Worldcoin’s official resources to understand the compensation structure fully.


Worldcoin presents a unique opportunity for individuals in Kenya to be part of a cryptocurrency project with the vision of universal access to the global economy.

As a decentralized open-source protocol, Worldcoin strives to make financial inclusion a reality and give everyone the means to participate in the digital economy.

From becoming a Worldcoin Operator to exploring the World App and trading Worldcoin tokens, there are various ways to earn and engage with this innovative project.

However, it’s essential to approach any involvement in the cryptocurrency space with care, conducting thorough research and staying informed about potential risks and benefits.

By doing so, individuals in Kenya can make informed decisions while exploring the world of Worldcoin and the exciting possibilities it offers.


Verbit Transcription in Kenya: What To Know

Verbit Transcription is an online platform that provides transcription and captioning services powered by artificial intelligence. 

The platform has gained popularity in Kenya due to its ability to deliver quality work and provide job opportunities for Kenyans. 

Verbit has a pool of expert human transcribers who work around the clock to ensure that clients’ needs are met.

Verbit’s transcription process is simple and efficient. The client uploads an audio or video file, and the platform’s AI-powered engine transcribes the content. 

The transcribed content is then reviewed by expert human transcribers to ensure accuracy. 

The platform also provides real-time support from real people to address any concerns or issues that may arise during the transcription process.

Key Takeaways:

  • Verbit is an online platform that offers transcription and captioning services powered by artificial intelligence.
  • The platform has gained popularity in Kenya due to its ability to deliver quality work and provide job opportunities for Kenyans.
  • Verbit’s transcription process is simple and efficient, and the platform provides real-time support from real people.

What is Verbit Transcription?

Verbit Transcription

Verbit Transcription is an online platform that provides transcription services powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology. 

Its mission is to provide high-quality, accurate, and fast transcription services to businesses, educational institutions, and individuals. 

Verbit’s transcription services include audio and video transcription, captioning, and real-time transcription.

The platform uses a combination of AI technology and human transcribers to ensure the accuracy and quality of its services. 

Verbit’s AI technology automatically transcribes audio and video files, while human transcribers review and edit the transcriptions to ensure they are accurate and error-free.

Verbit’s platform is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for clients to upload their audio and video files, select the transcription service they need, and receive their transcriptions in a timely manner. 

The platform also provides clients with the ability to edit and download their transcriptions, as well as access customer support if they have any questions or concerns.

How Verbit Transcription Works

How Verbit Transcription Works

Verbit is a transcription company that provides high-quality, accurate, and timely transcription services to clients across the globe. 

The company has a team of experienced transcriptionists who work round the clock to ensure that clients get their transcripts on time. Here’s how Verbit transcription works:

  1. Upload Your Audio or Video Files: The first step in getting your transcripts is to upload your audio or video files to the Verbit platform. You can upload your files in any format, including MP3, MP4, WAV, and more.
  2. Transcription Process: Once your files are uploaded, Verbit’s team of transcriptionists listens to your audio and transcribes it into text. Verbit uses advanced speech recognition technology to ensure that the transcripts are accurate and error-free.
  3. Quality Assurance: After the transcription is complete, Verbit’s team of quality assurance specialists reviews the transcripts to ensure that they are accurate and error-free. They check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, and make any necessary corrections.
  4. Delivery: Once the transcripts have been reviewed and approved, Verbit delivers them to the client. Clients can download their transcripts in a variety of formats, including Microsoft Word, PDF, and more.
  5. Payment: Finally, clients pay for their transcripts using Verbit’s secure online payment system. Verbit offers competitive pricing and transparent pricing, so clients know exactly what they are paying for.

Verbit’s transcription process is simple, secure, and efficient. The company’s team of experienced transcriptionists and quality assurance specialists ensures that clients get accurate and error-free transcripts on time.

Jobs You Will Find on Verbit

Here are the jobs you can find on Verbit:

  • Transcriber: Transcribe audio or video files into text.
  • Notetaker: Take near-verbatim notes or meeting minutes from a live meeting or recording.
  • Proofreader: Check the accuracy of transcripts against the audio/video file.
  • Remote Customer Support Representative: Provide support to Verbit customers via phone, email, and chat.
  • Marketing Assistant: Help with marketing tasks such as creating and managing social media content, writing blog posts, and managing email campaigns.
  • Software Engineer: Develop and maintain Verbit’s transcription and captioning software.
  • Data Scientist: Analyze data to improve Verbit’s transcription and captioning accuracy.
  • Quality Assurance Engineer: Test Verbit’s transcription and captioning software to ensure accuracy and quality.

To join Verbit, you can complete an online application and take a typing test. If you are successful, you will be invited to join Verbit’s platform and start transcribing or taking notes.

The pay for Verbit jobs varies depending on the role and experience. The estimated base pay for a transcriber is $28 per hour.

Does Verbit hire Kenyans?

Does Verbit hire Kenyans?

Verbit is an online transcription website that provides transcription services to clients worldwide. 

The company uses artificial intelligence to deliver quality work, and it offers online transcription jobs to people who can work remotely.

So, does Verbit hire Kenyans?

Verbit does hire Kenyans. The company has job openings for transcriptionists, proofreaders, and data transcribers in Kenya. It is one of the online transcription websites that offer transcription jobs in Kenya.

Verbit’s website states that it hires transcriptionists who are fluent in English and have excellent typing skills. 

The company requires its transcriptionists to have a computer with a reliable internet connection, headphones, and a foot pedal. 

These are the basic requirements for anyone who wants to work as a transcriptionist for Verbit.

The company pays its transcriptionists per audio minute, and the pay rate varies depending on the type of job. 

According to Trust Pilot, the pay is extremely low, and the availability of jobs is poor. However, it is important to note that this information may not be accurate or up-to-date.

Benefits of Using Verbit Platform in Kenya

Verbit is a leading transcription platform that offers a wide range of services, including real-time captioning, closed captioning, audio description, translation, and transcription solutions at scale. 

The platform is designed to meet the needs of businesses, educational institutions, and individuals who require accurate, fast, and affordable transcription services.

One of the key benefits of using Verbit platform in Kenya is that it provides a hybrid platform for everything. 

This means that clients can access all the transcription services they need from a single platform, without having to use multiple vendors. This approach eliminates the challenges of accuracy, speed, scale, and cost that are often associated with using multiple vendors.

Another benefit of using Verbit platform in Kenya is that it offers high-quality transcription services that are delivered by expert human transcribers. 

These transcribers are trained to produce accurate transcripts that meet the specific needs of clients. 

They can handle different accents, dialects, and quick talkers, ensuring that clients receive high-quality transcripts that are easy to read and understand.

Verbit platform also offers real-time support from real people, ensuring that clients can get help whenever they need it. 

The platform provides 24/7 customer support, which means that clients can get help at any time of the day or night.

In addition, Verbit platform offers competitive pricing that is designed to meet the needs of businesses, educational institutions, and individuals in Kenya. 

The platform offers flexible pricing plans that allow clients to choose the services that they need and pay only for what they use. This approach ensures that clients get value for their money and can access high-quality transcription services without breaking the bank.

How to Join Verbit as a Transcriber in Kenya

Verbit is an online transcription platform that uses artificial intelligence to deliver quality work. 

As a transcriber, you can work from anywhere at your convenience. 

Besides working on AI-generated drafts, you will also have the opportunity to meet fellow transcribers worldwide and receive constant guidance and support.

To join Verbit as a transcriber in Kenya, follow these steps:

  1. Complete your application: The first step to joining Verbit as a transcriber is to complete the online application. The application process includes a short online typing test, with guidance and practice tests provided.
  2. Confirm your details: If successful, Verbit will send you everything you need to get started, including instructions on how to set up your account and access the platform.
  3. Start transcribing: Once you’re set up, you can start signing up for shifts. Verbit offers regular evening, weekend, and daytime work, so you can choose the shifts that fit your schedule.

As a Verbit transcriber, you can also join the transcriber forum to receive advice and insights from the Verbit team and fellow transcribers.

To be a successful Verbit transcriber, you should have excellent typing skills, attention to detail, and good time management skills. 

Verbit also requires that you have a reliable internet connection and a computer with a minimum of 4GB RAM and a 64-bit operating system.

How to Pass Verbit Transcription Test

Verbit is a transcription company that hires transcribers from all around the world. 

If you are looking to work as a transcriber for Verbit in Kenya, you need to pass their transcription test. 

Here are some tips on how to pass the Verbit transcription test:

#1. Familiarize Yourself with Verbit Guidelines

Verbit has specific guidelines that you need to follow when transcribing audio files. 

Before taking the test, it is essential to familiarize yourself with their guidelines. You can find their guidelines on their website. Make sure you read and understand them thoroughly.

#2. Practice Your Typing Skills

Verbit requires their transcribers to have excellent typing skills. 

The faster you can type, the more work you can complete, and the more money you can earn. 

Practice your typing skills regularly to improve your speed and accuracy.

#3. Improve Your Listening Skills

As a transcriber, you need to have excellent listening skills. Verbit provides audio files with different accents and audio quality. 

Listen carefully to the audio files and transcribe them accurately. 

You can improve your listening skills by practicing with different audio files.

#4. Use Verbit’s Transcription Software

Verbit provides their transcribers with transcription software that makes transcribing audio files easier. 

The software has features like auto-punctuation and auto-capitalization that can save you time. 

Familiarize yourself with the software and use it to your advantage.

#5. Proofread Your Transcription

Verbit expects their transcribers to submit error-free transcriptions. 

Before submitting your transcription, proofread it to ensure it is accurate and free of errors. 

Use Verbit’s guidelines to check for formatting and punctuation errors.

If you follow these tips, you can increase your chances of passing the Verbit transcription test and becoming a transcriber for Verbit in Kenya.

How much does Verbit pay per audio minute?

Verbit’s transcription rates in Kenya vary depending on the type of transcription service required. 

For individual or one-off projects, Verbit offers a Pay-As-You-Go pricing model, with transcription rates starting at $1.48 per audio minute. 

This pricing model is perfect for individuals who need transcriptions for personal use or for small businesses that have occasional transcription needs.

For organizations with ongoing transcription needs, Verbit offers Business Accounts. 

The pricing for Business Accounts is tailored to fit the specific needs of the organization. 

Verbit’s Business Accounts offer volume discounts and other benefits, such as dedicated account managers, priority customer support, and custom integrations.

It’s important to note that Verbit’s transcription rates are not the highest in the industry, but they are also not the lowest. 

Verbit’s transcription rates are competitive and reflect the quality of the service provided. Verbit’s transcriptionists are highly skilled professionals who are trained to transcribe audio with accuracy and attention to detail.

In addition to the transcription rates, Verbit also offers a delivery time guarantee and a 99% accuracy guarantee. 

Verbit’s in-house ASR technology enables the company to reduce costs while increasing accuracy, which translates to lower transcription rates for customers.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process for registering as a transcriber with Verbit?

To become a transcriber with Verbit, interested individuals can visit their website and apply through their online application form. The applicant will then be required to take a transcription test, which will be evaluated by Verbit’s team. If the applicant passes the test, they will be invited to join the Verbit transcription team.

How much does Verbit pay their transcribers in Kenya?

Verbit pays their transcribers in Kenya on a per-audio-minute basis. According to their website, the pay rate ranges from $0.30 to $1.10 per audio minute, depending on the complexity of the transcription task.

Does Verbit hire individuals from Kenya for transcription work?

Yes, Verbit does hire individuals from Kenya for transcription work. They have a dedicated team of transcribers based in Kenya who work remotely.

What is the Verbit transcription test like?

The Verbit transcription test is designed to evaluate an applicant’s ability to transcribe audio accurately and efficiently. The test consists of a short audio file that the applicant must transcribe within a given time frame. The test is evaluated based on accuracy, formatting, and punctuation.

What is Verbit Go and how does it relate to their transcription services?

Verbit Go is a live transcription service offered by Verbit. It allows users to transcribe live events in real-time using Verbit’s proprietary technology. Verbit Go is an extension of their transcription services, and it is designed to offer a more comprehensive solution for live events.

15 Transcription Jobs in Kenya That Pay through MPESA

Transcription jobs in Kenya that pay through Mpesa have become a popular source of income for many Kenyans.

These jobs involve transcribing audio or video recordings into written text. The demand for transcription services has increased globally, and Kenya is no exception.

Many companies and individuals are looking for transcription services, and this has created an opportunity for Kenyans to earn extra income.

Transcription jobs in Kenya are legit and can be a worthwhile side hustle for those looking to make extra money.

The pay rate for transcription jobs in Kenya varies depending on the company or platform one is working for, the extent of the tasks involved, and one’s experience.

However, most transcription companies in Kenya pay through Mpesa, making it easy for Kenyans to receive their payments.

Key Takeaways

  • Transcription jobs in Kenya involve transcribing audio or video recordings into written text.
  • These jobs are legit and can be a worthwhile side hustle.
  • Most transcription companies in Kenya pay through Mpesa, making it easy for Kenyans to receive their payments.

What Are Transcription Jobs in Kenya?

Transcription jobs in Kenya involve converting audio or video recordings into written documents. Transcriptionists listen to recordings and type out the spoken words in a clear and accurate manner.

These jobs require excellent listening skills, a high level of accuracy, and the ability to work independently.

Transcription jobs in Kenya can be found in various industries, including legal, medical, and media. Legal transcriptionists transcribe court proceedings, depositions, and other legal documents.

Medical transcriptionists transcribe medical reports, patient histories, and other medical documents. Media transcriptionists transcribe interviews, podcasts, and other media-related content.

Online transcription jobs in Kenya are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer flexible working hours and the ability to work from home.

Many online transcription companies pay through M-Pesa, a mobile payment platform widely used in Kenya.

The pay rate for transcription jobs in Kenya varies depending on the company and the type of transcription work, but it can range from Ksh 10 to Ksh 100 per audio minute.

To become a transcriptionist in Kenya, one needs to have excellent typing skills, good listening skills, and a strong command of the English language.

Some companies require transcriptionists to have a transcription certification, while others provide on-the-job training. It is also important to have a reliable computer and internet connection, as well as transcription software.

Related: How to Start Transcription in Kenya: Complete Guide

Are Transcription Jobs in Kenya Legit?

Transcription jobs in Kenya are a legitimate way to earn income. These jobs involve listening to audio or video recordings and transcribing them into written documents. They are in high demand, especially in the legal, medical, and media industries.

However, it is important to note that not all transcription jobs in Kenya are created equal. Some companies may offer low pay rates or require extensive experience, while others may not be legitimate at all. It is important to do thorough research and only work with reputable companies.

One way to ensure that transcription jobs in Kenya are legit is to look for companies that pay through M-Pesa. M-Pesa is a mobile money transfer service that is widely used in Kenya. Companies that offer payment through M-Pesa are likely to be legitimate and trustworthy.

Another way to ensure the legitimacy of transcription jobs in Kenya is to look for reviews and testimonials from other transcribers. This can provide valuable insight into the company’s pay rates, work quality, and overall reputation.

How Much Do Transcription Jobs in Kenya Pay?

Transcription jobs in Kenya can be a lucrative source of income for those with excellent typing skills and attention to detail. According research, transcriptionists in Kenya can earn between $15 and $25 per hour.

However, the pay rate may vary depending on the complexity of the project, the turnaround time, and the client’s budget.

Some transcription companies pay their workers based on the length of the audio or video file they transcribe.

For instance, a 15-minute audio file may pay between Ksh 500 and Ksh 1,500, while a one-hour file may pay between Ksh 2,000 and Ksh 7,000. Other companies pay per page or per word transcribed.

It’s worth noting that the pay rate for transcription jobs in Kenya is generally lower than that in developed countries.

Nevertheless, transcriptionists can still earn a decent income by working on multiple projects or for more extended hours. Some experienced transcriptionists can earn up to Ksh 100,000 per month.

How to Get Started With Transcription in Kenya

Transcription jobs in Kenya are becoming increasingly popular, with many companies offering online transcription services. If you are interested in pursuing this career path, here are some steps to get started:

1. Choose Your Transcription Type and Niche

Before you start, you need to decide which type of transcription you want to specialize in. There are many different types of transcription, such as medical, legal, and general transcription. You also need to choose your niche, such as academic or business transcription.

2. Get Faster at Typing and Improve Your Skills

To succeed in transcription, you need to have excellent typing skills. You can improve your typing speed and accuracy by practicing regularly and using typing software. You should also work on your listening skills, as transcription requires you to listen to audio recordings and transcribe them accurately.

3. Create Your Portfolio and Apply for Jobs

Once you have honed your skills, it’s time to create your portfolio. Your portfolio should showcase your transcription skills and experience. You can create a portfolio on your own website or on a freelancing platform. You can also apply for transcription jobs on freelancing platforms or directly on company websites.

4. Get Hired and Understand the Company Style

Once you start working as a transcriptionist, it’s important to understand the company’s style and guidelines. You should also communicate with the client regularly to ensure that you are meeting their expectations. It’s important to be flexible and adaptable, as each client may have different requirements.

5. Get More Experience and Make More Money

As you gain more experience, you can increase your rates and take on more challenging projects. You can also expand your skillset by taking courses or learning new software. Networking with other transcriptionists can also help you learn new skills and find new job opportunities.

In summary, getting started with transcription in Kenya requires choosing your niche, improving your skills, creating a portfolio, getting hired, and gaining more experience. With dedication and hard work, you can build a successful career in transcription.

Transcription Companies That Pay Through Mpesa

Here are some transcription companies that pay through Mpesa in Kenya:

Verbit Transcription

Verbit is an online transcription website powered by artificial intelligence to deliver quality work. Upon signing up at Verbit, one could take up other online jobs such as captioning and real-time AI transcription. Verbit pays its transcriptionists between $15 and $25 per hour, depending on their experience and the quality of their work.

Related: Verbit Transcription in Kenya: What To Know


CastingWords is a transcription company that hires freelancers from all over the world, including Kenya. They pay their transcriptionists through PayPal or Mpesa. The pay rate varies depending on the length and complexity of the audio file, but the average rate is $1 per minute of audio.


GoTranscript is another transcription company that hires freelancers from Kenya. They pay their transcriptionists through PayPal or Mpesa. The pay rate varies depending on the length and complexity of the audio file, but the average rate is $0.60 per audio minute.


Scribie is a transcription company that hires freelancers from all over the world, including Kenya. They pay their transcriptionists through PayPal or Mpesa. The pay rate varies depending on the length and complexity of the audio file, but the average rate is $5 to $25 per audio hour.

Speechpad Transcription jobs in Kenya

Speechpad is a transcription company that hires freelancers from all over the world, including Kenya. They pay their transcriptionists through PayPal or Mpesa. The pay rate varies depending on the length and complexity of the audio file, but the average rate is $0.25 to $1.00 per audio minute.


TranscribeMe is a transcription company that hires freelancers from all over the world, including Kenya. They pay their transcriptionists through PayPal or Mpesa. The pay rate varies depending on the length and complexity of the audio file, but the average rate is $15 to $22 per audio hour.


Fiverr is a freelance platform that allows freelancers to offer their services to clients from all over the world. They pay their freelancers through PayPal or Mpesa. The pay rate varies depending on the freelancer’s experience and the complexity of the project.

Overall, there are many transcription companies that pay through Mpesa in Kenya. Freelancers can choose the company that best suits their needs and preferences.

Skills Required for Transcription Jobs in Kenya

The skills required for transcription jobs in Kenya are similar to those required in other countries. These include:

  • Excellent listening skills: Transcriptionists must be able to listen carefully to audio recordings and accurately transcribe what they hear. This requires the ability to focus on the speaker, distinguish between different voices, and understand different accents and dialects.
  • Good typing skills: Transcriptionists must be able to type quickly and accurately. The average transcriptionist can type at least 35 words per minute.
  • Strong language skills: Transcriptionists must have a strong command of the English language, including grammar, spelling, and punctuation. They must also be able to understand different jargon and terminology.
  • Computer skills: Transcriptionists must be proficient in using computer software, such as transcription software and word processing software. They must also be able to use the internet to research unfamiliar terms or phrases.
  • Attention to detail: Transcriptionists must be able to pay close attention to detail and proofread their work carefully. This is important to ensure that the transcript is accurate and free of errors.
  • Time management skills: Transcriptionists often work on tight deadlines, so they must be able to manage their time effectively.
  • Accuracy: Transcriptionists must be able to produce accurate transcripts. This is important for a variety of reasons, such as legal documentation, medical records, and academic research.
  • Discretion: Transcriptionists often work with sensitive information, so they must be able to maintain confidentiality.

In addition to these skills, transcriptionists may also need to have experience with a particular field, such as legal, medical, or technical transcription.

They may also need to be familiar with specific transcription software or hardware.


What are some transcription sites in Kenya that pay through Mpesa?

Some transcription sites in Kenya that pay through Mpesa include:
The Penny Voice

What is the average pay rate for transcription jobs in Kenya?

The average pay rate for transcription jobs in Kenya is KSh 400 per hour, according to PayScale. The range is from KSh 100 to KSh 2,000 per hour. The average pay rate for medical transcriptionists is KSh 2,500 per hour.
Here are some factors that can affect the pay rate for transcription jobs in Kenya:
Experience: Transcribers with more experience typically earn more than those with less experience.
Skill level: Transcribers with specialized skills, such as medical transcription, legal transcription, or technical transcription, typically earn more than those with general transcription skills.
Accuracy: Transcribers who are accurate and produce high-quality work typically earn more than those who are less accurate.
Speed: Transcribers who can type quickly and accurately typically earn more than those who are slower.
Location: The pay rate for transcription jobs can vary depending on the location. Transcribers in major cities typically earn more than those in smaller towns.
If you are interested in a career in transcription, there are a few things you can do to increase your earning potential:
Get training or certification: There are many online and offline courses that can teach you the skills you need to become a transcriber. Some transcription companies also offer certification programs.
Gain experience: The more experience you have as a transcriber, the more you will earn. Start by volunteering or taking on freelance transcription projects.
Develop specialized skills: If you can develop specialized skills, such as medical transcription, legal transcription, or technical transcription, you will be more in demand and able to command a higher salary.
Be accurate and efficient: Transcribers who are accurate and produce high-quality work are more likely to be hired and earn more money.
Network with other transcribers: There are many online and offline communities for transcribers. Networking with other transcribers can help you learn about new opportunities and get advice on how to improve your skills.

Are there any transcription accounts for sale in Kenya?

Yes, there are transcription accounts for sale in Kenya, such as Rev Captioning and Transcription accounts, which can be purchased at an affordable and negotiable price from rookie, revver, and revver+ (source: Biashara Kenya). Additionally, Transcription Accounts can be found for sale on POD/POA Listings (source: POD/POA Listings).