How To Boost Facebook Post In Kenya (With Pictures)

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Last updated on September 30th, 2022 at 01:12 pm

Today, I will show you how to boost Facebook post in Kenya.

In fact, this is the same process I use all the time to get my posts and those of clients reach more people and hopefully drive sales.

But before we dive deep, first i wish to bring something to your attention.

There is a difference between boosting a Facebook post and creating ads on Facebook.

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Difference between boosting and creating ads on Facebook

I can’t tell you how many people confuse the two. You can’t miss hearing someone saying, ‘Kevin, I do Facebook ads.’ And all they do is click boost and forget.

See, boosting a post on Facebook in Kenya is the shortest version of the whole ads process. Think of it as the mini-FB ads in Kenya.

And thus only doing boosting doesn’t make you a Facebook advertiser in Kenya in the sense that you have jumped the curve.

Well, I say that to appease my ego, haha??…

But, it doesn’t matter whether you are boosting or using the business manager to create ads on Facebook.

Talking of business manager, another difference between boosting and the other process is how it is done.

When boosting a Facebook post in Kenya, the process is short, I mean a few clicks and you are good to go. But to create ads from scratch, you will need to have access to a business manager.

It is something that looks like this:

And contains all the tools you need to create an ad from scratch, targeting, choosing an appropriate budget, adding copy, and images, among other things.

If you wish to see how it’s done, here is an article I wrote on the same.

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Enough of that.

How to boost Facebook post in Kenya (illustrative)

 Here, I will be using the new version of Facebook, as such, you may see some new look. 

Do not worry though because the process is still the same even if you are using the old Facebook version.

  1. Create and update the Facebook post on your page

First, you need to create a Facebook post that you’d intend to boost. But if you already have the post, go ahead and skip to step two.

creating a post on Facebook in Kenya

If you are creating a post from scratch, make sure you’ve added an image. You can’t boost posts without images because of the Instagram placement option.

  1. Locate Boost button

Once you have posted the post, look for ‘Boost post’ button.

Now, there are two locations of the button.

The first one on the window where you are creating a post. See below

creating a post on Facebook in Kenya

All you have to do is toggle the button before clicking ‘Post.’ 

boost button in Kenya

The other boost post button comes up after you have updated the post. Normally located immediately below the post on the bottom-right corner.

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boost button in Kenya

Now, whichever you choose, either before the post goes online or after, they all work the same.

  1. Choosing Ad settings

When you click the button, it opens a window that looks like this:

How To Boost Facebook Post In Kenya

Let’s look at what each section means.

#1 – here is where you choose the ad objective. 

You can 3 options, including get messages, engagement, and leads.

facebook boosted ad objectives

Ask yourself, what do I want to get from this ad?

Is it leads (phone numbers and names), messages, or more engagement (comments, shares, likes)?

If you can’t decide, leave it to Facebook to decide by choosing ‘automatic.’

#2 – CTA

This is where you pick a call to action (CTA) button to accompany the objective.

You have 7 options

facebook ad cta

For example:

If your objective is to generate leads, say for your upcoming event, you can go with Book Now, Sign Up, or Learn More button.

deciding facebook boosted post ad objective

Moving on:

#3 – choose the ad account here.

If you have more than one ad accounts, pick the right one here, you know, the one with funds.

choosing facebook ad account

#4 – shows you a preview of the final ad.

facebook boosted post ad preview

#5 – choosing the audience 

But first, before you pick the audience, there this new option here.

facebook ads special group categroy

Only turn this on if you are boosting posts promoting social issues.

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To pick an audience, you have a huge selection.

choosing facebook bosted post targeting audience

If you have a pixel installed, and wish to target those who have visited your website, use the first option. But if you want to target specific people, the second option is the best. 

Other available options include targeting those who liked your page, those who liked your page and their friends, or custom audiences (from the pixel data).

For a better understanding of how to target, go read this article.

#6 – choosing ad budget and duration

choosing facebook boosted post ad budget and duration

Pick the number of days you’d love the Facebook ad to run. Decrease (-) or increase (+) the days. Or just type the number.

Next is picking the budget. This the amount you are willing to spend on the ad (total amount).

To change this, just slide the line left (to reduce) and right (to increase) the total budget.

#7 – Ad placement, Pixel, and Card

facebook ad placement, pixel, and payment card

This is the last step on how to boost Facebook post in Kenya.

Choose the placements; where you want the ad to show on Facebook. I’d recommend you leave this in default because messing with it affects your reach and cost of the ads in the long run.

#8 – daily reach and summary

facebook boost daily reach summary

You can see the approximate number of people you can reach per day. Point to note here, the budget affects how many people you can reach with your Facebook ads in Kenya.

As such, if you want to reach more people, you have to pay more, either per day or the total budget.

Finally, once everything is done and dusted, click Boost Now button.

facebook boost button in Kenya

After that, your ad will go through a review period, which should last at most 15 minutes. Wait for a notification from Facebook telling you that the ad is running or is rejected.

Yes, there is no guarantee your ad will be accepted, so wait. Even if it rejected, they always mention the reason. So fix the mistake and request again.

That is how to boost Facebook post in Kenya. If you have any questions, comment below and I will answer each of them personally.
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3 Responses to “How To Boost Facebook Post In Kenya (With Pictures)”

  1. Hallo,
    I like your article it has been helpful but I am having problems on the payment part. Can I pay through mpesa? If so how do I proceed? Bank details are a bit tricky for me.
    Thank you.

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